Friday, March 25, 2016

.....What good will it do a beggar that is ready to be starved, to be told that he is a prince, a brave fellow, worth some thousands by the year?  But would you know which is the ready way to true honour?  I tell you it consists not in the favour of them that must die like yourselves, and, before that few years be over, must stand but upon even ground with the meanest; it consists not in the sorry acclamations of them who measure a man's worth by his estate and their dependence upon him; it consists not in the praise of them whose commendations some wise men have counted a discredit.  But he hath showed thee, man, what is truly honourable; to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God, Micah 6:8.  To bear relation to God as a Father, and to carry themselves as His children, to be a servant and friend of God; this, this is honourable, truly honourable; this is the height, the top of the creature's preferment.  To converse with, and delight in his Maker; to love, admire, and rejoice in God, and to love God, to take complacency in the soul; this is something indeed, this is honour; a wise man would not grudge to venture his estate, his blood, his all for this.  And how few of the gallants of the world understand the nature of this honour?..... He will tell you that glory and honour are in His presence, 1 Chron 16:27.  Man's only honour and true dignity lie in his nearness and acquaintance with God.  A practical knowledge of his Maker is the creature's greatest preferment.  David was of the mind, that it was none of the lowest honours to be God's servant, Ps. 74.  It is upon the account of Israel's near relation to God, that Moses reckons them the happiest, the most honourable people in the world.  Because God had avouched them to be His peculiar people, therefore they might well be said to be high above all the nations which God had made, in praise, in name, and in honour, Deut. 26:18.  And upon this account might a wise man have his choice, whether he will wear a crown and be a stranger to God, or rags, and be one of His nearest servants.  He will not stand long, before he determine the case; he will soon answer with him, that he had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God, than dwell in the tabernacles of wickedness.  If men's actions may speak their judgments, most of the gallants of the world are of a far different opinion.  But, oh let me dwell for ever in His house, and stand always in His presence; happy are they that see His face, happy are they that behold His beauty.  This, this is man's crown, this is his highest honour and dignity; for God to be mindful of man, and for his Maker to visit him; might I but have more frequent and intimate converse with God, may I be but acquainted with Him.  Oh may I have but a heart more to admire, love, and delight in Him, and serve Him with the strength and intenseness of my soul while I am here, and stand for ever in His presence, and behold His glorious face with joy hereafter.  My soul, what meanest thou, that thou still speakest so faintly and coldly of such infinitely glorious things?  Why doth not a new life animate thee at the very mention of these things?  Hast thou not far more cause to raise up thy desponding spirits with cheerfulness, than old Jacob, when his son Joseph, who was lord of that land, sent for him into Egypt?  Thy Father, my soul, thy Brother is Lord, not of Egypt, not of Goshen, but of Eden, of Zion; He is the King of that glorious city, the new Jerusalem; heaven is His throne, and earth is His footstool, and yet behold the wagons that He hath sent for thee!  Behold the provision that He hath sent to maintain thee comfortably in thy journey from Egypt to Canaan!  Is not this enough?  My soul, awake, up and see Him before thou diest.  Behold, He is coming, the Bridegroom is coming, Joseph is coming, to meet thee with a gallant train, in a glorious equipage.  It is but yet a little while, and thy Husband will come and fetch thee in royal state, attended with a numberless retinue of saints and angels.  Oh, hadst thou but an eye to behold their chariots and horsemen coming upon the mountains.  He is coming, He is coming; He will be here quickly; He will not tarry; He is at the door.  Contemplate sometimes on these things, and a little antedate that glory by spiritual meditation.  Do but think what a brave sight that will be to see the mountains covered with chariots of fire and horses of fire, when the heavens shall bow before thy Friend, and the earth shall melt at His presence, and yet thy heart not faint within thee; when the King shall come in the clouds to fetch His friends to His own house, where they shall dwell for ever.  This honour have all the saints.                                                                                                                                                 James Janeway

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